
About this blog:

I want this website to cover anything related to Giovanni Dall’Agocchie’s 1572 book Dell’Arte Di Scrimia Libre Tre (The Art of Fencing in Three Books). That includes practicing the martial art described in the book, as well as any historical, literary, or social context that may relate to this book.

Dall’Agocchie wrote this work in Italian. While modern swordsman view his martial system as a subset of ‘Bolognese Swordsmanship’ (and Dall’Agocchie was from Bologna), the work was published in Venice. Book One covers combat with unaccompanied sword, sword and dagger, and sword and cloak. Book Two covers jousting, specifically focused on a 16th century sporting context. Book Three covers the array of armies for battle.

I am primarily focused on the Book One, but anything in there is fair game for this website. I hope you find it helpful.

About me:

I hold the rank of Scholar with the Sacramento Sword School, where I am learning the Iberian martial art La Veradera Destreza. Outside of our classes, I primarily focus on Dall’Agocchie’s system, and more generally on Bolognese Swordsmanship as a whole.
I write fiction and non-fiction and music-related posts at tysonwright.com.
My wife and I blog about our lives and our romance at the Crime Fighting Chronicles.

Comment policy:

Disagreement is welcomed, but rude or off-topic comments are not. Rude or off-topic comments will be deleted.